Quick! Make a list of the nine people you love the most.
What number are you?
Oh, you're not on your own list?
Neither was I, for a long time.
Now, I'm working to be #1.
Ok, maybe #2.
Puppy comes first.
Oh, Puppy's not a person?
Try telling her that.
But, back to me.
I always thought loving others should be first.
And I thought demonstrating that love through servant-leadership and doing and being there for others was everything.
And it was.
Until I burned myself out because I wasn't paying any attention to #1.
Now, I work on balance.
I set boundaries.
I have found new passions and interests.
I also learned that I would not learn how to do any of that on my own.
I asked for help.
I continue to ask for help.
{Find me a fainting couch...I wouldn't have believed it either}
And I will serve other people and the world better because of it.
Make yourself #1.
You're the only one who can.